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Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder

Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder (or hypersexual disorder) is included as part of the International Classification of health-related problems and diseases. This is nothing more than the difficulty that a person has to control their sexual impulses, resulting in behaviors of a repetitive nature that cause psychological damage to those who suffer from it. There are numerous impacts produced by this type of disorder, which at the same time disturb the family, personal and affective life of the affected subject, which is why it is significant to identify their common characteristics in order to understand what causes this psychic suffering in order to treat it. properly.

Some scholars of the subject do not establish this disorder as an addiction, believing that it is not similar to other addictions. Others have analyzed this type of disorder based on the concept of addiction, stating that, according to its characteristics, it is similar to other well-known addictions such as alcohol consumption, also producing certain symptoms such as discomfort, anguish, tremors, inability to control impulses and desires to consume, etc. However, despite the controversy in this regard, compulsive sexual behavior can become a serious problem, firstly, by causing suffering, and then, by negatively interfering with different aspects of personal life.

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, paraphilias are called intense and constant sexual interest other than that whose purpose is to stimulate the genitals or to caress another person as a prelude, with due consent. This "abnormal" behavior represents a disorder linked to sexuality, being a behavior that, when it persists, usually causes many torments to those who suffer from it. For this reason, it is considered a paraphilia, since it implies damage, risk, suffering, either for the person himself or for third parties.

On the other hand, there are paraphilias considered benign that do not have these implications, but may be caused, for example, by the pleasure of wearing clothes of the opposite sex, which does not represent any harm, risk or suffering for the person who does it or for other people. Those who suffer from Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder present attitudes oriented towards sexual satisfaction, for example, changing sexual partners, permanent search for pornography or excessive masturbation, among others. These, in addition, are individuals whose mental and physical health is significantly affected by presenting compulsive behavior patterns related to sex, which arise from wanting to obtain something that they permanently lack, for which they seek to satisfy themselves and, not being satisfied, this need leads to anxiety, sadness and despair of the individual, the couple or the family.

Another aspect of interest is the difference that must be established between the terms of excessive sexuality and hypersexuality. This last term represents a high interest in very particular sexual practices, which leads to different disorders or other problems associated with health, such as the acquisition of sexually transmitted diseases. The second, according to the criteria of some specialists, rather constitutes one of the forms of expression of the first term.

A common aspect of compulsive sexual behavior is that there is no control over impulses of this nature. In fact, studies on the subject have shown that this dependency itself means that, when carrying out this constant search for pleasure, the person feels stimulated but confined at the same time, since they are dependent on an activity, being unable to abandon this cycle. repetitive, causing other effects in various areas of life.

The psychological, social and behavioral traits of people with this compulsive sexual behavior disorder, therefore, are usually guilt, mental suffering, the distance created with friends and family, the detriment of their affective relationships, among others.

Thus, the search for adequate treatment should be sought for those who have Hypersexual Disorder, in order to suppress behaviors that cause them discomfort, or lead to the stigmatization or victimization of these individuals. For this, it is essential that the origin of the disorder be discovered and analyzed, through which it will be possible to understand what causes the psychic anguish and the compulsion, being able to determine the best treatment adapted to their reality.

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