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Anxiety has been cataloged as the mental illness that has been most discussed in the 21st century. According to estimates by the World Health Organization (WHO), it is believed that, in 2015, 3.6% of the world's population suffered from anxiety disorders. Today, especially since the COVID-19 pandemic, global statistics reveal a 25% increase in the prevalence of depression and anxiety in the world. This type of condition is common in almost all human beings, but it does not mean that it cannot be combated or eliminated to achieve well-being. Various specialists have expressed their views on how to deal with it, but in order to understand it, it is first necessary to underline some important aspects.
What does it consist of?
For a long time, anxiety has been determined as a problem that must be solved if we want to feel optimal and be happy. There are countless online sites, for example, which insist on having medicines for its cure or on having numerous psychological techniques to contain it.
However, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders provides a very clear definition of anxiety, according to which it is "a normal and necessary emotional reaction for the survival of individuals and our species" that, in response, It involves effects at the physiological, behavioral and emotional levels.
Antonio Cano Vindel, president of the Spanish Society for the Study of Anxiety and Stress (SEAS), says that stress is a process that is generated in the face of certain instances of the environment, so during it it is normal for reactions to appear emotional, anticipating whether or not we will have the ability to respond positively. However, if this is not the case, the human being begins to experience a threat, which is why anxiety arises as an emotional response.
According to Cano, anxiety and stress constitute two independent processes, but closely related and generally overlapping. Stress is experienced when a problem has to be solved, on the other hand, anxiety arises when we anticipate obtaining a negative result. This involves activation processes at three different levels: behavioral, physiological and cognitive, and the response originates from believing that we will be evaluated or facing an equivalent threat. However, Cano argues that anxiety does not always have to be bad, although most of the time it arises in stressful situations.
On the other hand, it is important to establish the difference between anxiety and pathological anxiety. Marta Redondo, a specialist in the field of Clinical Psychology, who in turn directs the Health Area of ​​the Institute of Psychology of Emotions and Health-IPES in Spain, alleges that anxiety is simply an emotion of a natural and adaptive nature in every individual , but at the same time necessary since it is worth preparing ourselves for possible threats. According to the specialist, anxiety is an emotion that causes alterations in our body, triggering the sympathetic system, which affects our effectiveness in dealing with problems. The symptoms perceived when anxiety is suffered are actually expressions of alertness in our body in the face of any problem. When a work task arises that demands a quick response, for example, a certain level of anxiety emerges that allows us to face it in a better way. Therefore, we live with anxiety in a certain way in the course of our lives and this is very normal.          3.852 / 5.000
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However, there are circumstances in which anxiety becomes a serious problem because, sometimes, the frequency, duration or intensity of the response tend to hinder the individual's life, thus giving rise to anxiety disorders.
When we feel anxiety we generally feel bad, but the problem does not lie in it, but in what is happening to us at that time that makes us feel that way, and how we handle it. For this reason we must pay close attention to what causes it, not make it the center of our lives. The difficulty is not feeling anxious, but focusing only on reducing or eliminating it without analyzing what is causing it, raising awareness and managing it properly. In other words, the biggest problem, in essence, is around the behavior we assume in the face of anxiety.
Of course there are high levels of anxiety for which a person suffers a lot and these can be reduced, but the issue is not so much focusing on anxiety, but what we do to reduce it.
Another important aspect that we must remember is that anxiety is closely related to attention, which is mostly focused on threats and problems, and when this occurs, a greater reaction is generated. Therefore, magnification or hyperattention enlarges it. The opposite would occur if attention is reduced in terms of intensity and time, thus being able to contribute to mitigating it.
Anxiety can become a serious health problem. Although we can all experience it, a small percentage of the population has disorders in this regard. For example, someone under a lot of sustained stress is at higher risk of developing anxiety attacks or panic attacks. If there is no information about it or if it is not properly attended to, anxiety crises can be repeated so much that they produce a disorder, that is, the tendency to repeat these attacks. Similarly, the person may try to avoid any situation that makes him feel nervous or anxious, thus stopping doing things that he used to do.

When there is a pathological anxiety disorder, the specialized attention of a professional should intervene in order to make an assessment and advise the appropriate treatment.
If there was no diagnosed pathology and we still suffer from different levels of anxiety, there are many circumstances in which we could implement certain mechanisms to be better. For this reason, it is transcendental that we learn to assume behaviors that allow us to do what we want while being anxious. That is, it is not that we resign ourselves to it, but that we act consciously to continue despite experiencing it. This change in behavior is the key to combating the pathology.

Other specialists affirm that anxiety must be faced calmly and without fear, since these disorders are common, but if we have the appropriate information we can reverse them. With adequate psychological treatments, a major problem does not have to be triggered, although if they are not treated, they can increase their intensity or transform.
Some of the recommended tips to control anxiety are the application of abdominal breathing techniques, physiological relaxation, mindfulness, retraining the attention process that helps us reorient our focus and not anticipate events too much or not control so much situations, among others.
It is elementary to educate ourselves about anxiety, understanding that this is a normal and tolerable response. It is important to take some attention away from it, as it is a process that can be redirected. If we educate ourselves to develop tolerance to it and naturalize it, we can better focus on what causes it and how to handle it properly.

What do some experts say about anxiety?

Happiness is a topic that has been addressed for centuries, even from philosophy. There are many investigations carried out in psychology related to this topic. In fact, there is the so-called "World Database of Happiness", whose headquarters are in the Netherlands, which confirms this statement. Currently, the number of publications linked to well-being and happiness is equally high. Each investigation, in one way or another, has highlighted the connection between happiness and other psychological aspects such as emotion, personality, economic and/or social factors, demographics, ethnology, and others such as age and gender. All these studies have given rise to a movement whose purpose has been to investigate positive behaviors and other benefits of happiness.

If we ask ourselves what is the definition of happiness, we could find diverse opinions, from those expressed by philosophers of ancient times to current criteria. Still, there is a common consensus that happiness is a goal in itself for people, a higher aspiration. From the field of psychology, happiness has been defined as an affective, full, satisfactory state, experienced subjectively by every individual when possessing their longed-for good.

There have been various initiatives to give more value to happiness. For example, since 2013, the United Nations Organization (UN) has been celebrating March 20 as the International Day of Happiness, in order to recognize the important role it plays in human life, especially in relation to health.

There are countless consequences perceived by the body when we experience happiness. Among them are the optimization of the functions of our immune system, the improvement in mood, the increase in tranquility, the decrease in the level of anxiety, stress, pain, heart rate, without forgetting that it slows down our aging, contributing to the prevention of diseases such as Parkinson's, so its impact on physical and emotional health is indisputable.

However, it must be taken into account that the physical, mental and emotional factors in human beings are distinguishable, but also inseparable, so that happiness, experienced well-being and health depend a lot on how much we take care of our body and mind and spirit.

There is no magic or unique method to achieve happiness, however, it is important to know that, scientifically, it has been shown that certain factors stimulate it, helping our brain release endorphins, dopamine and serotonin, that is, the so-called "hormones of happiness”, since they are related to pleasure and well-being. For this reason, physiological problems occur when anguish, depression and anxiety appear, as they are states that hinder the production of these substances.

How could we arouse well-being or happiness? It largely depends on each individual, as well as on the way they learn to perceive life and manage circumstances and emotions. Several studies have proven that activities such as dancing, physical exercise, listening to music, among many others, provide happiness. The prominent professor and psychologist Thomas Gilovich, from Cornell University, has been one of the most notable scholars on the subject, assuring, through his research, that these activities make us feel greater happiness than that obtained by buying material goods. The sum of experiences and memories stored in social relationships, outings and trips generate long-term well-being, unlike the rather ephemeral satisfaction derived from buying things.

On the other hand, it is essential to take care of other factors such as diet, which have an impact on the physical and even emotional aspect, considering the so-called "happy" foods that contain amino acids and tryptophan, which stimulates the production of serotonin. Among these we can mention banana, walnut, chocolate, almond and dairy products. These are also part of the foods that have been taken as a starting point by a fairly popular current in Japan and the United States, which promotes the prevention of anxiety and depression through food, encouraging the consumption of foods that favor good humor and the pleasant state.

So let's not forget that happiness reinforces good health in the long run. This was also scientifically proven by research carried out in the United States, in which it was confirmed that individuals who had acknowledged being happy since their adolescence, in their adulthood were less likely to smoke, drink alcoholic beverages, practice more sports and ate less unhealthy food. Similar results were obtained through a study by the University of Cambridge, in the United Kingdom, through which it was determined that, in effect, happiness was a factor that contributes to a well-being and healthier adult life.

Happiness vs Mental Health

Child sexual abuse is currently considered a serious public health problem and one of the most serious forms of violence. According to world statistics, women are the main victims. As part of the typical behaviors of this type of abuse are the involvement of minors in child pornography, the handling of their private parts, oral contact or contact between the adult's genitals and those of the child, and intercourse. All this generally occurs through the use of force or taking advantage of the condition of ascendancy with respect to the victim, who does not want it, knows or is unaware of what is happening.

In general, this abuse occurs in the context closest to the infant, being abused preferably by men. According to data collected by UNICEF at the international level, about 120 million infants in at least 195 nations have suffered sexual abuse.

Estimates from the Council of Europe (CoE) organization reveal that one in five children has also suffered these abuses, of which between 75% and 85% knew who their aggressor had been. On the other hand, the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) in the United States has reported that one in ten girls, as well as one in sixty-three boys, have also been abused. In Latin America, these figures amount to around 1.1 million sexually abused girls, between the ages of 15 and 20, according to revelations by UNICEF.

This same international organization has pointed out various reasons that apparently lead victims to hide the abuse they have suffered, for example: threats directed at the child or their relatives; the fear of being discredited; the shame; disbelief and distrust in justice, among others. According to research on this topic, those who have been sexually abused or experienced various forms of mistreatment are generally four times more likely to have personality disorders. However, the psychological repercussions go further and are sometimes triggered in later stages of development. Among the most affected areas is that of interpersonal relationships, when problems begin to establish relationships with others, the person tends to isolate himself socially, participating very little in community activities, imbalances with the couple begin to exist, conflicts in the education of the children, etc. Other studies have shown that behavioral problems usually appear, with tendencies to present risks of running away from home or committing crimes. Functional or physical problems also occur in the abused, for example, fibromyalgia, headaches, eating and dissociative disorders, epilepsy due to high stress, somatization disorders, gynecological disorders, among others, all of these affecting expenses for hospital services. In the same way, disorders related to substance abuse or sexual problems also appear, that is, dysfunctional or unsatisfactory sexuality, risky sexual behavior, polygamy, acquisition of sexually transmitted diseases, early motherhood, prostitution, etc.

The aforementioned leads to the determination that those who are victims of sexual abuse tend to develop long-term psychological trauma. In addition, other investigative works have confirmed that this type of abuse is established as one of the causes of mortality in adulthood, or of the development of interpersonal violence, emotional imbalance and an increase in psychopathologies. According to the American Psychiatric Association (APA), disorders related to sexual abuse often trigger symptoms such as escape from stimuli linked to the event, variations at the cognitive level and the maintenance of a permanent state of alertness. Others agree that Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, the appearance of depression and anxiety, are frequent, which do not disappear over time if the appropriate psychological treatments are not applied.

For the above reasons, to treat this problem, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy has been used frequently, a practice that has shown the reduction of symptoms after several weeks of trauma treatment. Other therapies used are Cognitive Processing to assimilate and gradually recover from the trauma; Cognitive Restructuring or the Prolonged Exposure technique, bringing the patient closer to his fears related to the traumatic experience, estimating that by facing it, the symptoms and emotional discomfort can be reduced. However, prevention and corresponding legal attention is also essential.

Child sexual abuse and psychological consequences

Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder (or hypersexual disorder) is included as part of the International Classification of health-related problems and diseases. This is nothing more than the difficulty that a person has to control their sexual impulses, resulting in behaviors of a repetitive nature that cause psychological damage to those who suffer from it. There are numerous impacts produced by this type of disorder, which at the same time disturb the family, personal and affective life of the affected subject, which is why it is significant to identify their common characteristics in order to understand what causes this psychic suffering in order to treat it. properly.

Some scholars of the subject do not establish this disorder as an addiction, believing that it is not similar to other addictions. Others have analyzed this type of disorder based on the concept of addiction, stating that, according to its characteristics, it is similar to other well-known addictions such as alcohol consumption, also producing certain symptoms such as discomfort, anguish, tremors, inability to control impulses and desires to consume, etc. However, despite the controversy in this regard, compulsive sexual behavior can become a serious problem, firstly, by causing suffering, and then, by negatively interfering with different aspects of personal life.

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, paraphilias are called intense and constant sexual interest other than that whose purpose is to stimulate the genitals or to caress another person as a prelude, with due consent. This "abnormal" behavior represents a disorder linked to sexuality, being a behavior that, when it persists, usually causes many torments to those who suffer from it. For this reason, it is considered a paraphilia, since it implies damage, risk, suffering, either for the person himself or for third parties. 

On the other hand, there are paraphilias considered benign that do not have these implications, but may be caused, for example, by the pleasure of wearing clothes of the opposite sex, which does not represent any harm, risk or suffering for the person who does it or for other people. Those who suffer from Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder present attitudes oriented towards sexual satisfaction, for example, changing sexual partners, permanent search for pornography or excessive masturbation, among others. These, in addition, are individuals whose mental and physical health is significantly affected by presenting compulsive behavior patterns related to sex, which arise from wanting to obtain something that they permanently lack, for which they seek to satisfy themselves and, not being satisfied, this need leads to anxiety, sadness and despair of the individual, the couple or the family.

Another aspect of interest is the difference that must be established between the terms of excessive sexuality and hypersexuality. This last term represents a high interest in very particular sexual practices, which leads to different disorders or other problems associated with health, such as the acquisition of sexually transmitted diseases. The second, according to the criteria of some specialists, rather constitutes one of the forms of expression of the first term.

A common aspect of compulsive sexual behavior is that there is no control over impulses of this nature. In fact, studies on the subject have shown that this dependency itself means that, when carrying out this constant search for pleasure, the person feels stimulated but confined at the same time, since they are dependent on an activity, being unable to abandon this cycle. repetitive, causing other effects in various areas of life.

The psychological, social and behavioral traits of people with this compulsive sexual behavior disorder, therefore, are usually guilt, mental suffering, the distance created with friends and family, the detriment of their affective relationships, among others.

Thus, the search for adequate treatment should be sought for those who have Hypersexual Disorder, in order to suppress behaviors that cause them discomfort, or lead to the stigmatization or victimization of these individuals. For this, it is essential that the origin of the disorder be discovered and analyzed, through which it will be possible to understand what causes the psychic anguish and the compulsion, being able to determine the best treatment adapted to their reality.

Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder

Throughout history, the human being has evolved enormously, and this has been reflected in art. Cave paintings, for example, have been examples of expressions and communication modes developed over time.

Since childhood, we are the reflection of our environment. Drawing, especially, is a way of expressing what is lived, perceived, etc., which is why it is a source of information about the family, the school or social environment. To understand a drawing it is necessary to locate oneself in a very important factor: the cultural context of the individual. As an interesting fact, very rarely in the drawings of a child does the sexual theme appear, although it can happen in drawings of infants who have suffered some kind of sexual abuse.

Drawing, both in children and adults, is generally considered a mode of language. It is also known that the way it is drawn, as well as the evolution of the design, evolves over time, as does the psychomotor component. In fact, several psychologists affirm that everything related to the child, for example, such as his feelings, experiences, habits and others, clearly influence the progress of sign language. To better understand this idea, when a child gets angry, his traits are usually energetic, or when he does not want the existence of a close relative, his traits tend to be more rudimentary.

Generally, a child draws the sky, the sun, mountains, ships, houses. However, the drawing is not what matters most, but the vocabulary that he expresses through drawing, which reveals his perceptive process, just as it happens in adults, a process that is constantly structured since childhood.

Drawing is nothing more than a way of communicating, creating, saying something. Many people, when drawing, relieve fears or internal conflicts by expressing them and projecting them on a sheet of paper. Thus, the drawing always carries with it the way of being of the individual and their perception of the world, their fears, state of mind, desires, and psychological assessment starts from this principle. Through a drawing, an evaluator with experience and knowledge of the subject could obtain information about personality, imaginative capacity, specific conflict or psychopathological indicators that show cognitive and perceptive variations, learning difficulties, abuse, anxiety, harassment, mistreatment or depression. There are various aspects that can be observed in a drawing, which must be assessed as a whole, in order to have a better understanding and conclusions of the individual's psyche.

There are many aspects involved in the drawings. One of the most important is size. While the leaf represents the outside world, the size of the drawing communicates how the person sees himself in front of the world. From there you can determine the degree of self-esteem, vital energy, etc. If the drawing is very small, this betrays a possible feeling of low self-esteem or inferiority.

The location on the sheet of paper is also decisive. According to studies, the left side symbolizes our past, the center the present and the right the future. The upper side constitutes the mental plane and the lower the body and its impulses. Colors, on the other hand, provide information about mood and the emotional factor: the darkest are almost always related to emptiness, anguish, anxiety, loneliness; those of more warmth, on the other hand, are associated with states such as joy, stability, etc. On the other hand, the color red usually expresses aggressiveness or rage. The form is also significant, because if it is precise and clear, it means that there is a rational control and a demarcation of one's identity from the world. The opposite implies the existence of confusion and lack of rational control, as well as problems with identity.
On the other hand, the metaphorical or symbolic content. If you are facing more original symbologies, the ability to elaborate concepts is higher. If certain metaphors are perceived in the drawing, such as some natural phenomenon or element, be it a storm or dark clouds, the person, mostly children, may be expressing the transit through bad times, for example, the separation of his parents, so he will express his sadness quite possibly by drawing a collapsing house.

Finally, the strokes, which indicate the level of energy tension. If we are in the presence of firm lines, this represents security, control, assertiveness and self-confidence. Very soft or barely perceptible strokes express insecurity, mistrust and low self-esteem. Those very strong and straight strokes symbolize above all aggressiveness, and the circular ones subjugation, subordination and emotionality.

About the psychological interpretation of drawing

Autism, according to various studies, is considered the third most frequent mental illness after attention deficit disorder and mood disorders. Autism spectrum disorder, as it is also called, is a brain disorder that is born with, which over time makes communication and social relationships difficult, also appearing repetitive and somewhat restricted behavioral patterns. Its characteristics can be identified early in childhood, although it can also be diagnosed later.

Many people with autism live independently, although there are others whose disabilities are more serious, with greater need for support and care throughout their lives.

Numerous scientific works have reported that autism can be due to several factors, including environmental and genetic, which increase the probability that a child will present it. However, the actual specific causes are not known, so it is estimated that a combination of different aspects that cause changes in the way in which the baby's brain develops before birth may also influence.

As an interesting fact, it is worth mentioning that the United States is the country with the highest prevalence of autism in the world, according to information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (created in 2000 with the purpose of evaluating the prevalence of autism) and the Developmental Disabilities and Autism Monitoring Network, which reports that one in fifty-four people is autistic. On the other hand, the World Health Organization has indicated that, internationally, one in every one hundred and sixty individuals suffers from it.

Prevalence is nothing more than the number of people in a population who suffer from a disorder, disease or any health condition in a specific period of time, a measure that allows knowing its impact on the population. In other nations in which this phenomenon has been studied, such as Australia, Spain and Denmark, the figures range between one person for every one hundred and fifty or every one hundred and seventy-five individuals, with a higher probability of being higher between 2 and 6 year old. The health care requirements of people with autism are often complex, so they often require integrated services that range from promotion to rehabilitation. With this, a more optimal development, better communication and social interaction and a better quality of life can be achieved, for which it is also recommended to include the mother in the follow-up and systematic care performed.

According to other research, the family could detect symptoms and signs related to this disorder if, for example, the child has difficulties with eye contact or body language, with their social or affective interaction with parents, with sensory perceptions, or if they exhibit strict behavior or unusual interests. If the infants are between 1 and 3 years old, the signs could be the presence of speech delays; non-response to being called by name; not being interested in sharing with other people; excessive concentration on unusual objects; the inability to imitate; the frequent repetition of something or the constant alignment of objects. However, many of these signs may not be noticeable, and autism can be determined when the child begins to grow and other problems appear. Not all people with autism have the same symptoms and signs. Many times other factors such as difficulties with reasoning, learning, or behaving play a role, which is why autism is described as a "spectrum."

It is essential that when this disorder is identified, treatment is started as soon as possible. Among the different treatments, behavioral therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, the administration of drugs to treat hyperactivity, aggressiveness, depression or anxiety and sleep disorders are used, as well as other additional support during school learning.

The truth is that there are a variety of services and aids that, especially children, can receive, as well as other people even at other ages, so an accurate diagnosis is necessary to be able to define the services and support resources that can help you both to the person with the presence of autism as well as to the family, which is why it is essential to go to specialists who can guide adequately. Not being seen on time can cause disabilities.

Autism as a disease

Since time immemorial, music has been used in the field of psychology as a technique to optimize a very important factor: people's concentration, which has had remarkable results.

According to several authors, concentration is a cognitive activity that takes place through reasoning, where we voluntarily focus our attention on something in particular. This is a process where the person chooses a certain stimulus among many, coming from the environment where he/she operates. The truth is that the higher the degree of concentration, the more efficient an individual can achieve. This is an aspect on which countless tests have been developed over the years through the implementation of methods and the development of various activities, one of which is the use of audiovisual materials to achieve relaxation and tranquility.

Even though music is socially appreciated as a form of entertainment, many believe that it can disrupt concentration and cause distractions. Others, on the other hand, believe that it positively influences the mood to carry out tasks. However, it is valid to clarify that its benefits for both concentration and learning have been scientifically justified.

Actually, these benefits extend to different aspects such as the elimination of tensions, the evocation of traumatic circumstances, the awareness of turbulent or subconscious feelings and the improvement of memory, for which it has been used in patients with Alzheimer's in order to that they remember people or events in their life, hence it has an obvious influence on mental health. According to current studies on the application of music, it has also been known that many surgeons use it when performing their operations, in order to concentrate and block out distractions. This is feasible because the processing of music and the performance of manual actions do not compete at the brain level, although it is important to know how to choose the type of melody to listen to. For example, music with ambient effects used while writing creatively develops the capacity for imagination, thus resulting in richer texts and a larger vocabulary.
In addition, it has been shown that the influence of music reaches all kinds of people, which is why it has been used mostly in children to stimulate their cognitive ability and emotional development, especially if they are in the early stages of life. causing a special effect on socialization, interest in reading and its comprehension, decreased anxiety, patience in the face of frustration, free expression, assimilation of language, etc.

Likewise, several specialists agree that music can effectively stimulate attention processes in children, favoring sustained attention, selective attention, alternating attention, divided attention, short- and long-term memory, psychomotricity and improvement of self-concept, etc.

According to other research, it has also been determined that those who have musical training develop their verbal memory much better, being able to better understand a second language and have optimal executive functions.

Classical music, for example, has had a considerable influence on the progress of both cognitive and emotional skills and learning. It has also been proven that children who listen to this type of music learn to easily notice the different nuances in moods, resulting in a benefit for social relationships.

Other benefits of classical music at an early age are the acquisition of emotional security; the greatest ability to solve problems; the stimulation of creativity and imagination, among others.

In summary, there are innumerable reasons why music plays an important role in stimulating people throughout their lives.

Influence of music on concentration and other aspects of life

La psicología, a diferencia de la química, el álgebra o la literatura, es un manual para tu propia mente. Aprender sobre esto es una guía para la vida.


Daniel Goldstein

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