Artes y Asesoramiento del Sur de la Florida

Autism as a disease
Autism, according to various studies, is considered the third most frequent mental illness after attention deficit disorder and mood disorders. Autism spectrum disorder, as it is also called, is a brain disorder that is born with, which over time makes communication and social relationships difficult, also appearing repetitive and somewhat restricted behavioral patterns. Its characteristics can be identified early in childhood, although it can also be diagnosed later.
Many people with autism live independently, although there are others whose disabilities are more serious, with greater need for support and care throughout their lives.
Numerous scientific works have reported that autism can be due to several factors, including environmental and genetic, which increase the probability that a child will present it. However, the actual specific causes are not known, so it is estimated that a combination of different aspects that cause changes in the way in which the baby's brain develops before birth may also influence.
As an interesting fact, it is worth mentioning that the United States is the country with the highest prevalence of autism in the world, according to information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (created in 2000 with the purpose of evaluating the prevalence of autism) and the Developmental Disabilities and Autism Monitoring Network, which reports that one in fifty-four people is autistic. On the other hand, the World Health Organization has indicated that, internationally, one in every one hundred and sixty individuals suffers from it.
Prevalence is nothing more than the number of people in a population who suffer from a disorder, disease or any health condition in a specific period of time, a measure that allows knowing its impact on the population. In other nations in which this phenomenon has been studied, such as Australia, Spain and Denmark, the figures range between one person for every one hundred and fifty or every one hundred and seventy-five individuals, with a higher probability of being higher between 2 and 6 year old. The health care requirements of people with autism are often complex, so they often require integrated services that range from promotion to rehabilitation. With this, a more optimal development, better communication and social interaction and a better quality of life can be achieved, for which it is also recommended to include the mother in the follow-up and systematic care performed.
According to other research, the family could detect symptoms and signs related to this disorder if, for example, the child has difficulties with eye contact or body language, with their social or affective interaction with parents, with sensory perceptions, or if they exhibit strict behavior or unusual interests. If the infants are between 1 and 3 years old, the signs could be the presence of speech delays; non-response to being called by name; not being interested in sharing with other people; excessive concentration on unusual objects; the inability to imitate; the frequent repetition of something or the constant alignment of objects. However, many of these signs may not be noticeable, and autism can be determined when the child begins to grow and other problems appear. Not all people with autism have the same symptoms and signs. Many times other factors such as difficulties with reasoning, learning, or behaving play a role, which is why autism is described as a "spectrum."
It is essential that when this disorder is identified, treatment is started as soon as possible. Among the different treatments, behavioral therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, the administration of drugs to treat hyperactivity, aggressiveness, depression or anxiety and sleep disorders are used, as well as other additional support during school learning.
The truth is that there are a variety of services and aids that, especially children, can receive, as well as other people even at other ages, so an accurate diagnosis is necessary to be able to define the services and support resources that can help you both to the person with the presence of autism as well as to the family, which is why it is essential to go to specialists who can guide adequately. Not being seen on time can cause disabilities.