Artes y Asesoramiento del Sur de la Florida
An Emotional Support Animal (ESA) may be any species that provides comfort to people with disabilities by addressing a disability-related need.
The new Florida law defines an ESA as “an animal that does not require training to do work, perform tasks, provide assistance, or provide therapeutic emotional support by virtue of its presence, which alleviates one or more identified symptoms or effects of a person’s disability.”

How to request your ESA LETTER?
1- Submit your request HERE or via email info@sfacounseling.org
2- Receive a complete evaluation to determine eligibility criteria including clinical criteria supporting your request. FEE = $225
3- Receive your ESA letter by a Licensed Practitioner upon meeting clinical criteria. FEE =$105
TOTAL = $330
If you are a new patient looking to obtain and ESA letter by a Licensed Practitioner, and you have additional questions, please, submit your request to Info@sfacounseling.org
The new law in effect since July 1st, 2020, relates to ESA, NOT service animals or assistance animals.

Emotional Support Animal (ESA) Rules:
A Florida landlord cannot deny housing for disability or disability-related need associated to mental health diagnosis to any person who owns an Emotional Support Animal or decides to acquire one in the future. (Florida Fair Housing Act).
A Florida landlord cannot ask you to disclose diagnosis or severity level of disability. It prohibits from requesting any specific information including clinical records.