Most people experience stress and anxiety from time to time. This often happens when various obligations are imposed on you. The sensation that is usually perceived is triggered when some circumstance frustrates or makes a person nervous. Anxiety, for example, manifests itself through fear, discomfort or worry. This can be either a reaction to stress or occur in those who do not identify the factors that indicate it in their daily lives.

Several studies report that anxiety and stress are not always negative, and that they can, in the short term, help in overcoming challenges or certain dangers. For example, they usually appear when there is concern during the job search, or when an exam is going to be passed, or simply when embarrassment appears in a certain social situation. Other times it has been argued that, if you do not experience any anxiety, it is very possible that you are not motivated by certain activities. However, if these disorders interfere too much with your daily life, they may be indicating more serious problems. The psychological and physical symptoms that appear when stress and anxiety are experienced range from stomachaches, headaches, muscle stiffness, sweating, appetite disorders, tremors, panic, irrational anger, lack of concentration, restlessness, etc. If you have suffered from them for long periods, you may be more prone to changes in blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, among other harmful effects. Care should be taken with some medications with stimulant components that could worsen these symptoms. For example, excessive consumption of caffeine, or illicit drugs and alcohol, would be harmful. Currently, it is estimated that nearly 40 million Americans suffer from an anxiety disorder, which includes generalized anxiety, panic or post-traumatic stress disorders, or social phobias. The truth is that these are treatable conditions, for which there are countless resources and treatments to help with. However, when noticing stress or anxiety, attention can be paid to the responses of the body and mind to stressful situations, and counteract them with techniques such as physical exercise or relaxation, diet balance, reduction of alcohol or caffeine consumption identify the causes of stress, to cite a few examples. Treating these conditions on time is very timely, although there is always the option of seeking professional help to find the support that is needed.