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Internal Resistance

What are the alternatives we have to combat internal resistance?

In life we ​​have all experienced the feeling, belief or thought that we are unable to do or achieve something, or that we simply should not do it. When this sensation appears, it usually occurs in various ways such as distraction, sleep or some other similar pretext that paralyzes us, preventing us from advancing towards our goal. Many times, even unconsciously, we use this as a pretext to avoid change. For this reason, it is essential that we are aware of this and that we learn to manage any belief that leads us to stop ourselves from achieving our objectives, because this is nothing more than internal resistance.

Resistance constitutes an inner force that, even when we know the right path, hinders our ideas and the positive flow to make changes, making us question our self-confidence and our own capacity, generating a kind of internal struggle. However, there are ways to combat this resistance, some of which we present below.

How to overcome internal resistance in personal development?

Resistance to change is naturally an essential biological mechanism for survival. However, it could become inconvenient by preventing us from progressing in terms of new goals or healthy habits, limiting development and human potential when an opportunity arises.

This resistance at an internal level usually appears, for example, when we undertake a project, but we are invaded by negative thoughts such as "it may not be feasible", "I will not be able to do it as well as other people", etc., all of which result in let us doubt our abilities, limiting personal or professional motivations, as well as creativity.

Other times we think, instead, that it is not yet the time to carry out the project or idea, even if it is a good one, perhaps believing that we could wait for more favorable conditions to do so later on. This will only postpone the project indefinitely, avoiding taking action and reaching objectives.

How to manage to defy internal resistance?

Some of the alternatives are as follows:

1. Determine deadlines

Setting dates to finish any project is very beneficial, so we can undertake what is necessary within the established period of time. If we are stopped, the resistance will be gaining ground.

2. Avoid perfectionism

This factor can be harmful, as it leads to procrastination and not taking specific actions, which is usually worse than doing something, even if we don't think it's perfect. In other words, instead of seeking perfection, we must focus on doing the best possible within the established time and with the resources available for it.

3. Allow yourself to reward yourself

Giving yourself a prize whenever you progress in a project will be very beneficial. This will motivate you to do much more, also lowering your stamina. It can be with something simple or small, or simply praise yourself for what you did or achieved, rest, etc.

4. Identify thoughts that imply resistance

It is also important to recognize the ideas that arise in you that drive you to resist moving forward in something. But even more important is to act on it, to put those thoughts aside, recognizing that they do not define you as a person, nor do they define what you are capable of doing. That way, resistance won't influence your attitudes as much.

5. Build small habits

According to the dimension of what we intend to do, the resistance to it increases. However, starting small changes makes it easier to progress, so resistance is unlikely to kick in and stop you from moving forward. The relevance of these habits lies in the fact that they help us gradually reach the desired goal.

6. Focus on the activity, not its consequences

Focusing exclusively on what you want to achieve, you will possibly see it as something impossible to achieve and threatening, and this may be far from reality. Instead, you could focus your attention on a certain activity that can bring you closer to your purpose, without focusing so much on your concern for the final effect.

For example, if you were working on radically changing your bedroom, instead of trying to get it ready in about three days, which you probably know you can't do, you can focus on spending two hours a day organizing it and changing what you're wanting. , and that this is your daily goal, to achieve progress little by little. By concentrating on the activity you are doing, internal resistance will be reduced and you will do anything with much more confidence and tranquility.


Internal resistance is a factor that slows us down and can take various forms, being an obstacle to achieving our purposes. In order to win the battle, it is essential to know that perhaps we cannot eliminate it completely, but we can make great advances despite it and, on certain occasions, even use it for our own benefit.


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