Loneliness is an emotion. It's not just about being physically alone; it's about not having consistent social relationships. Many people enjoy their time while they are alone. Others, on the contrary, feel that they cannot be alone, but then come to feel a certain sense of emptiness, even when they are surrounded by other people.
Loneliness can have different causes but varies depending on the individual. We may experience feelings of loneliness in the following situations:
- When we go through a bereavement.
- During vacations or Christmas
- When we change our place of work or retire because we miss social interaction.
- After ending a relationship
- When starting college
These situations do not impact all people in the same way, but it is evident that they can affect our emotional and mental health and make us feel loneliness.
According to studies, people who do not have many friends, family or any kind of social support, tend to have higher risks of experiencing loneliness. This group also includes people with disabilities, just to cite a few examples.
Does loneliness have a psychological impact?
Loneliness is directly related to mental health, being associated with the presence of major risks associated with mood, such as anxiety or depression. These disorders can involve affectations not only at a mental level, but also physical, appearing symptoms such as:
- Lightheadedness
- Low energy
- Sleeping for many hours or suffering from insomnia.
- Modification of appetite.
However, loneliness is considered an "ephemeral" state, because when the social need is satisfied, the feeling associated with loneliness generally disappears. On the other hand, if the person suffers from depression, there may be a different cause that should be discussed further with a mental health professional.

How to lessen the impact of loneliness
Since everyone reacts differently to loneliness, what helps them feel less lonely may also vary. However, when this feeling comes over us, some of the following suggestions may help:
Try to meet new people with similar interests
Joining groups with common interests, whether it is a yoga group, art, or any other shared interest, can be an excellent way to meet other individuals, building new relationships and widening the social circle. This will most likely reduce feelings of loneliness.
Be closer to loved ones
You may have felt lonely even when surrounded by friends and family, but you may not feel the connection or closeness you would like with them. Strengthening the bond with your inner circle can help you feel closer to them, which will also lessen the feeling of loneliness.
Explore therapy
Therapy can provide the necessary framework for talking about your feelings, your bonds with others, etc., being able to come to an understanding of why you are feeling lonely, and creating and implementing strategies that can help you cope with the situation. In addition, therapy can determine the root cause of your feelings of loneliness, and you should work with your therapist to improve your overall mood.