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Relevant Factors for Positive Thinking

Did you know that thinking directly influences our daily lives, both in our behavior and in our emotional processes?


The way we think can be our best ally, but also our worst enemy. For this reason, it is essential that we constantly observe it and know some aspects that cannot escape our attention. The attention and the knowledge about our daily thoughts is the first step to eliminate harmful thinking styles and replace them with others that improve our quality of life.

What are the most relevant aspects of a positive thinking style?


The following are some of the keys that can help you to think more positively and practice in any situation.


1- Identify your negative thoughts. Often, negative thoughts are linked to each other, causing us to have a totally negative view of ourselves, or to anticipate negative outcomes even when the reality is not necessarily that way.


2- Always ask yourself: how does what I am thinking influence this situation? Does it provide me with solutions, does it help me to continue facing the situation?


3- Do not use negative labels towards others and do not believe in those that are placed on you. You know how you are, and you should not be affected by what other people say about you, especially if you know that it does not correspond to reality.

4- Avoid making negative assumptions about any situation or about others.


5- Try to avoid phrases like "I should" or "I have to". You must know that we are not perfect as human beings, that there is always the possibility that we make mistakes, therefore, we must have more flexibility with ourselves and also with those around us.


6- Avoid tragic thoughts.


7- Recognize the positive things you have achieved so far, think about any period of time and identify what you have achieved, what you have done well, what has made you feel good and what has brought you joy, for which you are very grateful.


8- Try to enjoy thoughts of peace, of praise for yourself and that manage to cheer you up.


9- Do not normalize this way of thinking. It is natural that we can have negative thoughts, but if you always think they are normal and do not try to change them to a more positive style, you will not be helping yourself in this regard. Remember that not all of your negative thoughts have to be true.


10- Use a good sense of humor. Forgive yourself, even though you know you make mistakes at times.


11- Learn to think about situations objectively in order to find the most effective solutions. Plan realistic goals and how you are going to achieve them.


How do you train your brain to think more positively?


The challenge for your brain to change is to constantly set new goals, ask yourself new curiosities, learn new things. This will make it possible that your thinking style will be modified and, undoubtedly, you will achieve important changes. 



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