South Florida Arts & Counseling

Emotional wounds that persist until our adulthood
Emotional wounds are usually equivalent to a kind of psychic damage produced during the childhood of an individual, and that significantly transcend in their development towards the adult stage, generally predicting the quality of life of the person. Many times they have been called poorly healed fragments that make the existence or coping of everyday situations impossible.
The signs that there are psychological wounds are manifested through anxiety, insomnia, obsessions, defensive attitude, etc. In general, it is common for these wounds to leave traces in our personality.
Why do they arise and in what way?
Often, emotional wounds arise from a traumatic past in childhood, where those who were in charge of the child were negligent, were absent or evidently mistreated. It may also be because the child has interpreted reality distorted.
In this way, negative experiences determinantly influence the appearance of these emotional wounds that are lived in childhood, leaving emotional vestiges that later have an impact on adult's behavior.
According to experts, some of the emotional wounds can be the fear of abandonment, so being adults we can fear tremendously to be abandoned and experience an absence or lack again. This fear can be reflected in anxiety to suffer a separation with the couple, or some obsession may appear because of it.
This triggers a prolonged anguish and fear, which leads to high dependence and coercion towards the other person. The fear of rejection is another emotional wounds that we can suffer from childhood. Here they can influence numerous factors, such as being rejected by parents, other family members, etc., and this produces the thought and belief that we are not desired and that disqualify us, so we then usually disqualify ourselves. Those who suffer from this emotional wound do not feel the understanding or affection of others, so they usually isolate themselves in their inner emptiness or be elusive.
Humiliation is another examples of emotional wounds, arising when it feels that other people criticize or disapprove, admonish, etc. Generally this emerges when adults tell the child that he is bad, clumsy, heavy, thus destroying child self -esteem, frequently producing a dependent personality in the infant.
The fear of trusting or betrayal has also been determined as an emotional wound. The child usually feels betrayed by a close relative. This can be reflected by breach of promises, lies or being absent when the presence of parents is most necessary, which leads to sensations of hopelessness and emptiness, then translated into anger, distrust, low self -esteem, failure, envy towards others they have. This makes the person become controlling and that they intend to have everything well tied.
Finally, injustice. This is an emotional wound originating in a context where primordial caregivers are usually authoritarian and cold people, demanding the child more, so if they do not comply with these parameters they are described as ineffective, and generates this feeling in it in the future . AI and uselessness, both in childhood and adulthood.
It is evident that once our rights are braking are vetoed and in childhood sufficient support, consideration and affection are not received, dangerous psychological wounds appear. When injustice is suffered in childhood, this causes the child to develop with a rigid personality, of low self -esteem, a lover of perfectionism and insecure of decision making in his daily life.