South Florida Arts & Counseling

Is it important to smile?
When we are optimistic, happy, or simply go through a moment in which we smile or, much better, laugh out loud about something, our physical and emotional health directly receives the effects. Much has been studied on this subject, and the results have shown that, when laughing, chemical compounds such as adrenaline, serotonin, endorphin and dopamine are released in the body, hormones that have been called "happiness hormones", to which is added that a set of muscles are involved, especially those that surround the eyes, those of the jaws and the neck. Dopamine is considered the main promoter of pleasure, motivating the repetition of behaviors that favor our well-being in general, reducing the level of cortisol or "stress hormone", which reduces anxiety or depression.
However, the smile also has an effect on other factors. For example, it optimizes the immune system, which stimulates the production of endorphins, responsible for defending the body; there is a relaxation of the muscular system; there is improvement in mood; the heart is usually strengthened; is released tensions; creativity and the level of personal and work performance are activated, as it leads to better interpersonal relationships and calms pain.
Therefore, if it is such a simple mechanism, conceived for centuries even to alternatively treat certain pathologies, especially in some cultures, where laughter was also given spiritual connotations, we should ask ourselves the question: why not smile and make our life more pleasant and, therefore, better our health?
We leave you this reflection. Only you know your answer.