South Florida Arts & Counseling

The authenticity according to psychology
According to studies in the branch of psychology, authentic people are usually characterized by certain elements that differentiate them from other people. For example, resilience, fidelity to their ideas, conviction and attitude towards life. Being authentic means showing yourself to others as you are, without the fear that others will perceive your fears or shortcomings.
One of the most important aspects of being authentic is to show that human side, so you connect more easily with other people on a higher level, leaving behind the appearances that do so much damage to interpersonal relationships.
Why do you think authenticity is related to imperfection? Feelings of abandonment, rejection, shame, injustice, and betrayal are some of the things that make working with self-love more difficult. However, these so-called "imperfections", as many call them, are the starting point to know that these are our vulnerabilities and that we should not be afraid of them, because the fact of being imperfect also implies authenticity, and this has a high value, because in it also resides self-worth and acceptance.
Despite the fact that most of the time we are dictated by society how we should be or act, the truth is that we are all different beings, therefore, recognizing it and being authentic will allow us to live without the obligation to consent to others in every aspect of our lives. life, but allow ourselves to be and act according to what we are and how we think.
Did you know that people are usually more attractive when they are authentic? Being authentic is not being fashionable, to cite examples, but expressing ourselves as we are. Those who act or try to deceive themselves about "being this way or that way" usually create a tension that turns into shallowness and is often unattractive.
Actually, the important thing is to know ourselves, love ourselves, accept ourselves as we are, which is an exercise that requires personal courage. If you want to recognize someone or recognize if you yourself are someone authentic, you can identify him by the following aspects.
Authentic people are usually determined by:
- Listen to opinions and express yourself without misgivings.
- Act according to their internal and not external motivations.
- They do not judge others.
- They highly value their physical traits, taking care of themselves both physically and emotionally.
- They are curious and ask what they want to know.
- They are pleasant and generate confidence and well-being in others.
- They express their feelings.
- They ask for help when they need it.
Value yourself and accept yourself with your virtues and defects and express yourself to the world as you are, without fear, prejudice or mistrust. That is one of the keys to a full life, which you are worth living.