South Florida Arts & Counseling

The paradox of choice
According to psychology studies, it has been revealed that having too many options to choose from can be harmful given the excess of alternatives.
Various experiments have been carried out to determine the above, for example, using magnetic resonance images while those who participated explored different groups of options, choosing between them. While the choice was being made, the images verified a greater brain activity related to the choice of the sets with the greatest number of elements.
According to the experts participating in this research, two specific areas in our brain are activated during the election process: the striatum and the anterior cingulate cortex. All this is related to a social principle: the freedom to choose. However, this does not make us freer people, but it generates greater conflict, decreases the capacity for action and increases our dissatisfaction.
Actually, having more options to choose from should increase people's satisfaction. However, deep down, it overwhelms and overloads us, leading, on the contrary, to being dissatisfied with the final choice, especially if it is about demanding individuals. This is the phenomenon that has been called the "paradox of choice."